INFRASAT offers technology room to UMN

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 20 February De 2024    17h29  
Sala de informática
Sala de informática
José Filipe - ANGOP

Lubango – The Mandume Ya Ndemufayo University (UMN) has, since Tuesday, a “technological room” equipped with 10 computers, connected to the internet, to facilitate distance learning in economics, medicine and law courses.

The computers were offered by the INFRASAT company as part of the “Infra-Educa” program, aimed to assist educational institutions interested in expanding their coverage through the use of distance learning.

The Chancellor of Mandume Ya Ndemufayo University, Sebastião António, told the press that the new equipment will enhance e-learning teaching in person and remotely.

“It is a hybrid modality, where students and teachers, each at their own point, taking into account the different categories, will acquire the required knowledge”, he said.

In turn, the president of the board of directors of INFRASAT, Diogo Carvalho, considered that the equipment now installed provides the opportunity to have distance learning with the desired quality.

Diogo Carvalho said that the UMN is responsible for managing the investments made with the Angolan satellite network, as well as FADCOM, which provided computers to contribute to improving the educational teaching process. JT/MS/DOJ

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