Improved examination methodology in education recommended

  • Luanda     Saturday, 04 May De 2024    16h12  
Participantes ao II Conselho Consultivo do MED
Participantes ao II Conselho Consultivo do MED
Valentino Yequenha

Cuito - The Second Consultative Council of the Ministry of Education, on Saturday in the central Bié Province, recommended improvements in the methodologies of exams to guarantee the desired quality in the process of training students in the various educational subsystems.

According to the event's final communiqué, the delegates from the country's 18 provinces also advocated the creation of objective conditions in educational institutions, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the National Special Education Policy, aimed at including people with disabilities.

Similarly, they called for the expansion of the school network throughout the country, in order to allow for the inclusion of children outside the normal education system, and the extension of school meals in the various educational establishments.

Speaking at the end of the meeting, the Education minister, Luísa Grilo, said that the sector would continue to work for the welfare of the student community and the quality of education.

She also pointed to the continued provision of school meals as a challenge, in order to help retain children in educational institutions, as it helps students to  focus and facilitates learning.

The closing ceremony was attended by the governor of Bié, Pereira Alfredo, who emphasised the value of the event for improving the sector by addressing problems and solutions to current challenges.

The MED Consultative Council, which took place under the slogan: “The teachers we need for the education we want - The global imperative to reverse the shortage of teachers", evaluated the degree of implementation of the sector's programmes and redefined methodological and action strategies that contribute to improving learning.

“Girl Empowerment and Learning for All Project–PAT II, Progress of activities”, “Review of the first five years of implementation of the National Special Education Policy geared towards school inclusion”, “Strategic planning of human resources”, “School management“, “Legal framework of the MED” and “Assessment methods in the Angolan education system”, are among the topics debated in the event.



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