Academic year with new curricula plans

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 30 March De 2021    16h20  
University Campus of the Agostinho Neto University
University Campus of the Agostinho Neto University
Pedro Parente

Luanda - The minister of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Research, Maria do Rosário Bragança, said Tuesday that the academic year will have new curricular plans in some courses.

According to the Government official, who was speaking to the press at the end of a workshop on curricular harmonisation, it is not a matter of curricular standardisation, but rather harmonising the courses so that there are no more disparities between the same courses.

The work done, said the Minister, is designed to produce an output profile for the graduate of that course that meets the needs of the labour market, and the curriculum is designed so that the competence that is desired from that graduate is acquired through that same curriculum.

" There is an organisation of the curriculum that must be done according to the curriculum standards published in a Presidential Decree of 2018. The harmonisation covers only 70 per cent of the volume of the course curriculum," the minister said.

For the remaining 30 per cent, the minister continued, each organic institution will have the freedom to put what it thinks is its brand.

"There are courses with different designations but which ultimately pursue the objective of having the same graduate, so it is important to make this alignment," she said.

The Cabinet minister explained that the work is being done with university teachers.

The Angolan government, via the Ministry for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, wants to harmonise up to 70 percent of the curricula of higher education institutions, particularly courses in the same area of knowledge, in order to improve the mobility of students and teachers across the country.

The higher education has eight public universities, seven public higher institutes and 57 private higher education institutions, including universities and polytechnics, where at least 200,000 students are enrolled.



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