BNA promotes financial education campaigns

  • Luanda     Thursday, 22 February De 2024    19h52  
Directora Regional Norte do BNA, Isaltina Peli da Silva
Directora Regional Norte do BNA, Isaltina Peli da Silva
David Augusto-ANGOP

Mbanza Kongo – The northeast region of the National Bank of Angola (BNA) has been, since this Monday, training teenagers, young people and women from various social strata, in the province of Zaire, in personal finance management.

The action is part of the education and financial inclusion policy outlined by the Angolan Central Bank, as announced this Thursday, in Mbanza Kongo City, by the northeast regional director of the BNA, Isaltina Gonga Silva.

The official, who was speaking at the opening of a series of lectures on multipliers in personal finance management, said that the objective is to increase the population's access levels to financial products and services through the free opening of “bankita” accounts.

She associated these education and financial inclusion actions with the challenges of combating poverty, as well as with the aim of creating a more resilient financial system that generates social development.

The BNA delegation, which has been working for four days in the province of Zaire, is carrying out awareness campaigns in schools in the municipalities of Mbanza Kongo and Cuimba, about the need to open bank accounts, obtain multi-bank cards, electronic payment machine (TPA) and access to other related services.

The northeast region of the National Bank of Angola covers the provinces of Zaire and Uíge, with headquarters in the latter.

