Angolan floating oil unit being installed in China

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 20 March De 2024    21h04  
Plataforma petrolífera angolana em construção na China
Plataforma petrolífera angolana em construção na China

Luanda - The Floating Oil Production, Storage and Transfer Unit (FPSO) Angola called 'Agogo', under construction in China, is in the process of installing the first modules and connecting the residential area's electrical system.

The fact was confirmed Wednesday, in China, during a visit carried out by an Angolan delegation led by the Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino Azevedo, according to a press release to which ANGOP had access today.

At the time, the Angolan government official considered the oil platform as a catalyzing factor to help the country stabilize national production, counteracting the natural decline that the country is experiencing.

For the minister, the construction of this infrastructure will strength the two States' commitment to expanding cooperation, highlighting the mutual commitment of both countries to the economic and social development of the Angolan and Chinese people.

“We want this project to also promote the transfer of knowledge to Angolans, who are the driving force to increasingly leverage the development of the oil and gas industry in Angola”, he promised.

He recalled that oil continues to be the most exported product from Angola, which is the second largest producer in Africa.

For his part, the president of the Board and Administration of the National Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG), Paulino Jerónimo, said that the installation of the first modules will increase Angolan oil production in the period 2025/2026, which demonstrates that the oil and gas sector remains active and dynamic in the country.

According to the CEO of the oil company Azule Energy, operator of the platform, Adriano Mongini, the project could maximize the reserves of Block 15/06 and optimize the Agogo and Ndungu fields, increasing their production to 170 thousand barrels of oil per day.

Block 15/06, operated by Azule Energy, with 36.84%, has as partners Sonangol Pesquisa e Produção (36.84%), and Sinopec (26.32%).

Construction of FPSO Agogo began in 2023 and includes a pioneering innovation in the oil and gas industry. AMC/QCB/CF/DOJ
