Government promotes approach to public policy evaluation system

  • Luanda     Thursday, 11 August De 2022    15h53  
A public investment undertaking underway in Porto Amboim Town, Cuanza Sul Province
A public investment undertaking underway in Porto Amboim Town, Cuanza Sul Province

Luanda - The Public Policy Assessment system, with the aim of developing skills for analytical exploration and other procedural methods, was one of the main issues analysed during a workshop promoted by the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP), this Thursday in Luanda.

With the aim of providing an overview of this system, as well as the recent developments in Angola, in other Portuguese-speaking countries and in Africa, the fundamental concepts, public policy evaluation and monitoring processes and procedures were shared.

Aspects such as Evaluation Fundamentals, Designs of an Evaluation Strategy, Examples of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems at the National Level, as well as Balance of Personal and Organizational Experiences of Monitoring and
Evaluation, were further addressed.

The training, of a theoretical nature, had a participatory methodological approach, based on practical examples of evaluations and sharing of experiences between Portuguese-speaking countries.

According to MEP's European Union Technical Assistant, Elsa de Morais Sarmento, it is a topic that is very developed internationally and that Angola has been taking significant steps in this matter of extreme importance.

This activity will allow participants to have a vision of the good
international practices, as well as provide a perspective on how this area can evolve for the future and how this instrument can be used to improve the country's public policy areas, she said.

The assessment helps to build the national development plan and to improve responsibility and accountability.

It also provides various contents, recommendations and implementation of actions within public policies and can be applied in various projects, she added.

The training workshop was open to all those interested in the subject, namely public administration officials, national and international organizations, academics and civil society members.
