Commerce attracts foreigners to Cuanza Norte province

  • Luanda     Monday, 05 February De 2024    18h09  
Loja de tintas (Foto ilustração)
Loja de tintas (Foto ilustração)
Júlio Vilinga

Ndalatando - The commerce sector, with business opportunities and guaranteed jobs, is what most attracts expatriates to the province of Cuanza Norte.

This sector currently has 1,050 resident foreigners registered by the Emigration and Foreigner Services (SME).

Data from the institution, to which ANGOP had access today, Monday, indicate an increase of 142 resident foreigners, compared to 2022, as a result of the opening of new business opportunities in the province.

Among the registered foreigners, 620 have work visas, 230 asylum seekers, 94 residents, 64 temporary stay visa holders, 17 courtesy visas, 12 refugee card holders and one individual with a special visa.

According to the source, the controlled expatriates also work in the health, construction and education sectors.

Regarding the issuance of passports, the institution received 859 processes in 2023, compared to 329 in 2022, of which 756 were issued.

In terms of controlling and combating illegal emigration, 44 undocumented foreign citizens were detained in 2023, when they intended to reach the country's capital.

Among the illegal expatriates, whose entry point was the borders with the provinces of Malanje, Uíge and Lunda Norte, there are 41 citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo, one Malian, one Mauritanian and one Guinean, including 16 minors. LJ/IMA/AC/DOJ
