Angola’s trade facilitation roadmap to generate new jobs - official

  • Luanda     Friday, 15 December De 2023    17h15  
Navios contentorizados de Importação e Exportação de produtos(Foto ilustração)
Navios contentorizados de Importação e Exportação de produtos(Foto ilustração)
Francisco Miúdo-ANGOP

Luanda – Angola’s Secretary of State for Trade Amadeu Nunes said Friday in Luanda that the proper implementation of the measures set out in the country's National Trade Facilitation Roadmap will significantly improve the business environment and create new job opportunities.

The Trade Facilitation Roadmap is a document created by the Angolan government that contains a set of political and strategic measures to be adapted to streamline processes related to international trade, reduce obstacles and red tape and to make the movement of goods easier, faster and more efficient.

According to Amadeu Nunes, the document is expected to improve people's living conditions, in line with the goals set out in the 2023-2027 National Development Plan enabling the creation of measures to facilitate trade, such as digitalization and easier mechanism for greater transparency with international trade partners.

The Secretary of State urged Angola for greater cooperation with neighboring countries in terms of trade facilitation, such as coordinated border management.

"This leads us to reflect on the need to work together in order to find the right balance for the illegal migration policy, without, however, creating non-tariff measures that could obstruct cross-border trade," Nunes said.

The official added that Angola has created the National Trade Facilitation Committee, which aims to maintain collaboration between border agencies, study, negotiate and take measures to facilitate trade in the country. 

The committee is made up of people from various sectors, public and private companies.ML/AC/AMP

