International Net Reserves with a balance of $14.7 billion dollars

  • Luanda     Friday, 09 February De 2024    12h46  
Banco Nacional de Angola
Banco Nacional de Angola
Pedro Parente - ANGOP

Luanda – The country’s Net International Reserves (RIL) reached a balance of $14.7 billion dollars at the end of 2023, against 14.6 December 2022, with an accumulation of USD 73 million, the director of the statistics department of the National Bank of Angola (BNA), Domingos Nzinga said today in Luanda.

When speaking in the presentation on the Evolution of the Foreign Exchange Market and its Perspectives, following the last Meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee (CPM) of the BNA, he highlighted that the 14.7 billion are equivalent to around 8.4 months of imports of goods and services.

The presentation on the Evolution of the Foreign Exchange Market and its Perspectives is being guided by the Governor of the BNA, Manuel António Tiago Dias.HM/AC/DOJ
