UK identifies new areas to invest in Lobito Corridor

  • Luanda     Thursday, 11 April De 2024    12h35  
Richard Benyon, Ministro de Estado para área Climática, Segurança Alimentar e Desenvolvimento Rural do Reino Unido
Richard Benyon, Ministro de Estado para área Climática, Segurança Alimentar e Desenvolvimento Rural do Reino Unido
Carlos Benedito-ANGOP

Lobito - The identification of new areas of investment in infrastructure in the Lobito Corridor dominated the visit of the British minister of State for Climate, Food Security and Rural Development, Richard Benyou, to this railway port city.

According to the minister, the United Kingdom has already made US$500 million available for investment in infrastructure along the Lobito Corridor, which is the largest in the southern region of Africa.

In a meeting with the heads of the Boards of Directors of the Port of Lobito, the Lobito Atlantic Railway and Africa Global Logistics, the government official raised some issues, with emphasis on the operational capacity of the port infrastructure, as it is a key part of the project.

Richard Benyou was satisfied with the explanations provided by the port’s Board of Directors and the two consortia, but expressed concern about the flooding caused by the rains that fall in some locations along the Lobito Corridor.

"My country's Prime Minister and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs are eager to know the level of organization of the Port, as well as the opportunities for investment", he stated.

The minister said that "bilateral cooperations have never been as important as they are now", and promised to convey a message to British businesspeople that Angola is open for business.

In turn, the acting president of the Board of Directors of the Port of Lobito, Romão de Andrade, told the British minister that the company is certified and, in terms of maritime and port security, complies with international standards through the ISPS code (ship safety).

"Currently, we have a Port with investment prospects, to be able to meet the needs of all users", he highlighted, adding that this was why there was the concession of the multipurpose terminals (general and containerized cargo) and mineral terminals, for a short investment, medium and long term.

For his part, the chairman of the Board of Directors of Lobito Atlantic Railway, Francisco França, announced, among other actions, the consortium's plan to announce the increase in domestic and international general cargo transport levels from 300k to 5 million tons, in 10 years.

The Lobito Corridor, which begins in the centre-west (coastal) province of Benguela, passing through Huambo, Bié and Moxico, crosses Southern Africa and establishes itself as one of the main axes for the circulation of raw materials, products and merchandise, not only within the countries themselves, but, above all, due to the connection it establishes with the world market, through the Port of Lobito.

The port company ensures a high percentage of international trade volume across the entire sub-region.

