“Envolver” project selects incubators to attract financing

  • Luanda     Thursday, 14 March De 2024    14h20  
Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE).
Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE).

Luanda - Five incubators, with three projects each, to be selected by the "Envolver" project, will work for four months, starting in April, to benefit from financing and leverage companies, the project coordinator, Nuno Teixeira, said today.

Business incubators are a way to encourage entrepreneurship. It strengthens and prepares small businesses, with the aim of making them survive in the market.

Nuno Teixeira, coordinator of Envolver, who spoke today, Thursday, to the press, on the sidelines of the project's presentation, explained that it aims to contribute to access to financing for micro, small and medium-sized companies.

“The aim is to work with different economic agents so that all actions are developed and can lead to companies having easy access to financial support”, he asserted.

According to the coordinator, the program expects, by the end of the current year, to select a winning proposal, from each incubator, to deliver to potential funders for subsequent execution.

He made it known that the selection criteria for companies are based on the economic activity they carry out and associated with incubation support, time of experience in the market and resources available to monitor the project, mainly human resources.

“The Envolver project is from Angola and involves national agents. All actions were developed in partnership and, therefore, they had the opportunity to learn about the local reality and analyze the challenges”, he highlighted.

He indicated that some financial institutions such as BPC, BCI, BDA and KixiCrédito are part of the project.

