Citizen's Budget Program arrives in Malanje

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 03 April De 2024    15h43  

Malanje- The Citizen's Budget Program, which aims to establish revenue forecasts and authorize government spending during the 2024 civil year, was presented Wednesday, to public managers in the province.

The program is an initiative of the Angolan Executive, through the Ministry of Finance, derived from the State’s General Budget (OGE), which, in summary, determines certain instructions on the use of the treasury, in addition to instilling financial literacy in citizens.

The presentation of the aforementioned instrument was under the responsibility of the provincial Finance delegate, Ricardo Garcia, during a seminar, which aimed to foster a deep and civic awareness among public managers and members of civil society, about its importance.

According to the official, with this program, the Executive intends to disseminate the country's budgetary information and present the goals and priorities of governance, in a more accessible and clear way for citizens, allowing their participation in the democratic process of monitoring public resources.

He said that it is through the OGE that the Executive financially plans the country's expenses and economic growth, with the budget now presented being a similar tool.

In turn, the vice-governor of Malanje for political, economic and social matters, Franco Mufinda, considered the aforementioned program a priority for the Angolan Executive, embodied in more investment in the economy and companies, making the OGE more sustainable and giving greater possibility for citizens to know the country's revenues.

he seminar, which lasted a few hours, was aimed at municipal administrators, provincial directors and served to address aspects related to social protection, sources of OGE resources, gender-sensitive budgeting, application of OGE revenue resources, as well as the local development and anti-poverty programs and public investments. RM/NC/PBC/TED/jmc

