Construction materials inflation set at 18.4% in 2023

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 23 January De 2024    15h12  
Material de construção (Foto ilustração)
Material de construção (Foto ilustração)
KInda Kyungu - ANGOP

Luanda - The year-on-year variation rate of the Construction Materials Price Index (IPMC), from December 2023, in relation to the same month in 2022, stood at 18.4%, according to National Statistics Institute (INE) report released Tuesday.

The report, highlights that the index recorded a variation of 2.6% in December, compared to November 2023, which represents an increase of 0.7 percentage points compared to the previous month.

The note says that in year-on-year variations, among the groups of construction materials, cement and binders were those that recorded the biggest price increases with 27.7%, followed by steel with 19.5%, crushed stone and marble with 17.1%. %, wood and plywood with 16.4%, sand with 15.9%.

They also include glass and glass articles with 15.8%, ready-made concrete with 15.5%, plastic pipes and accessories with 14.5%, synthetic products with 14.4%, blocks with 10.9%, beams, joists and slats with 8.7%, and bricks with 5.9% and other synthetic products with 5.8% among the main ones.

INE says that the groups of materials that contributed most to the IPMC variation in December were cements and binders with 1.6 percentage points, steel with 0.6 percentage points, followed by ready-mixed concrete with 0.2 percentage points and blocks with 0.1 percentage point.

The results presented cover the period from December 2022 to December 2023, with markets and collection establishments being formal and informal, where materials intended for the construction of houses, residential and non-residential buildings, roads and other construction works are sold. infrastructures.

The price of construction materials is an important indicator for the construction market, as it is through its variation that it is possible to identify the degree of intensity of activities in the construction sector. HM/AC/DOJ

