Diesel price goes up to AKZ 200

  • Luanda     Monday, 22 April De 2024    23h11  
Bombas de Combustiveis na Baixa da Cidade de Luanda
Bombas de Combustiveis na Baixa da Cidade de Luanda
Tarcisio Vilela - ANGOP

Luanda - The Petroleum By-Products Regulatory Institute (IRDP) has said the litre of diesel is to go up from 135 to 200 kwanzas from Tuesday, ANGOP has learnt.

According to a statement, other products under a fixed price regime, namely petrol, light oil and gas, will remain unchanged.

It says the measure is part of the process of gradual adjustment of oil prices by the government, which decided to adjust these products by 2025, in accordance with the flexible adjustment mechanism and import or export parity, approved by Presidential Decree.

The last change in the price of fuel took place in June 2023, when a litre of petrol went from 160 kwanzas to the current Kz 300.

Cooking gas is currently sold at 1,200 kwanzas for a 12 kilogram bottle, while a 51 kilogram bottle costs Kz 5,100.





