Port of Luanda denies new staff recruitment

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 10 April De 2024    21h37  
Port of Luanda
Port of Luanda
Pedro Parente - ANGOP

Luanda - The Port of Luanda on Wednesday denied the opening of a portal to recruit 500 new employees to fill various positions in the public company.

In a statement, the port institution denied the existence of a new or old portal to recruit employees through social media.

It adds that in normal terms the recruitment of new employees is carried out firstly by a company statement specifying the needs, which is done during the launch of the recruitment process.

It therefore claims that the information circulating on social media about the alleged recruitment of new employees is fake news  aimed at illegal collection of personal data for unclear purposes.

Regarding this situation, the management of the Port of Luanda warns citizens "not to open the link that contains and conveys the false information".




