Police foil over 64,000 liters of fuel smuggling attempt

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 30 April De 2024    22h06  
Contrabando de combustível para Namíbia
Contrabando de combustível para Namíbia

Soyo – A total of 64,875 liters of fuel, allegedly for smuggling heading to neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), were seized Thursday by the National Police (PN) in Soyo municipality, northern Zaire province.

Packed in 25 and 250 liter containers, the fuel was stored in a residence located close to one of the river channels of the Zaire River outskirts of the city of Soyo.

This is the second time, in less than a year, that local authorities have seized fuel in the aforementioned backyard, and this time five individuals were arrested as allegedly involved in smuggling.

According to the local delegate Domingos Armando Zola, the team works to locate and arrest the owner of the backyard, for allegedly being an accomplice in this illicit business.

The municipality of Soyo shares a river border with the DRC.


