National Police seize seven vessels for fishing in prohibited zone

  • Luanda     Monday, 11 March De 2024    15h49  
Embarcações apreendidas pela polícia fiscal aduaneira
Embarcações apreendidas pela polícia fiscal aduaneira
Bernardino Vicente - ANGOP

Luanda - The Customs Tax Police on Monday, in Luanda Province, presented seven vessels seized for fishing in a marine species reproduction zone.

During the operation two boats were also seized for tax offences, totalling nine, with 152 crew on board, 97 Angolan citizens and 55 Chinese nationals.

According to the National Police spokesman, Deputy Commissioner Mateus Rodrigues, the seven boats were seized on 10 March, when they were fishing by trawler in an estuary area, at the mouth of the River Kwanza, an area reserved for the reproduction of marine resources.

On 8 March, as part of maritime patrols in the Cabo Ledo area, two fishing boats were arrested and taken ashore for non-payment of the Motor Vehicle Tax (IVM).

Mateus Rodrigues said that operations of this nature would continue, with a view to dissuading offenders, and called on citizens to report any suspected cases of maritime offences.

During the press visit to the vessels seized for fishing in a prohibited place, it was possible to see that each vessel has the capacity to carry 150 tonnes of fish, which makes a total of 1,50 tonnes of fish, which are still growing.

