Government spends KZ 176.6 billion on projects

  • Luanda     Thursday, 29 April De 2021    22h26  
Presiding judge of the Constitutional Court, Laurinda Cardoso
Presiding judge of the Constitutional Court, Laurinda Cardoso
Pedro Parente

Luanda - The Angolan government, from 25 March to 24 April of this year, invested 176.6 billion kwanzas in 1,592 projects of the Integrated Plan for Intervention in Municipalities (PIIM) underway across the country, the Secretary of State for Territory Administration and Coordinator of the PIIM Technical Group, Laurinda Cardoso said today.

According to Laurinda Cardoso, who was speaking at the end of the 3rd ordinary session of the 2021 Interministerial Commission, the execution rate of total projects (1,592) is estimated at 91 percent and recorded an increase of 46 projects (under execution), compared to the same period last year.

Of the 1,592 projects underway under the PIIM, 122 were concluded in the period under review, 71 of which are part of the Public Investment Programme (PIP) and 51 relative to Development Support Expenditure (DAD).

Thus, it is estimated to be under execution, in aggregate terms, that is, since the launch of the PIIM, in 2019, 1,749 projects throughout the national territory. 

Among the country's 18 provinces, Huila is the most advanced in terms of project eligibility, with a rate of 97 percent and 40 works already completed while Cuando Cubango has a zero eligibility rate, as it reformulated the portfolio of its initially planned projects.

The coordinator of the Technical Group of the PIIM said that the provinces of Cunene, Moxico, Huambo and Lunda Norte had the fewest projects underway for several reasons, including difficulties of mobility of those carrying out the projects, due to the rains, and also the fact that in some cases they were the ministries (central bodies), although the projects were in the provinces.

In order that the provinces raise their project eligibility rates in PIIM, Laurinda Cardoso said that the Interministerial Commission decided to review the projects setting targets so that the ministries of Education, Health and Interior conclude, by May 30, the projects under their responsibility.


