De Beers discloses promising electromagnetic research results

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 31 October De 2023    17h16  
President João Lourenço receives Al Cook, De Beers CEO
President João Lourenço receives Al Cook, De Beers CEO
Pedrro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The multinational De Beers Exploration Holdings Limited on Tuesday in Luanda, informed the Angolan Head of State, João Lourenço of the progress it has made with the research carried out in various diamond areas of Angola.

Speaking at the end of the audience with Angolan president, the De Beers CEO, Al Cook, said the meeting served to report on the progress made since the multinational returned to the Angolan market.

Al Cook highlighted, among other things, investments in major projects, including electromagnetic research, whose first phase is being finalized, a technique allowing Kimberlitic to be located underground, while the second phase will require the use of aircraft.

He added that the progress made is due to the reforms implemented by the Angolan President, such as joining the international initiative for transparency in the extractive industries, exchange rate liberalization and visa exemptions, factors that encouraged a return to the Angolan market two years ago.

According to Al Cook, the South African company also told the Angolan president of its intention to accelerate and expand its investments in Angola, particularly in the diamond sector, in close partnership with Angola's National Diamond Company (ENDIAMA E.P).

As a result of an agreement with the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, De Beers is carrying out initial prospecting for primary and secondary diamond deposits in the Muconda (Lunda-Sul) and Lumboma (Luanda Norte) concessions.

After leaving Angola in 2012 due to the global economic crisis, the multinational is investing more than 33 million US dollars in diamond exploration in eastern Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul.  MR/VM/MRA/AMP
