Entrepreneurs in Benguela count on new micro-credit operator

  • Luanda     Saturday, 13 January De 2024    18h00  
Novas instalações da KixiCrédito em Malanje
Novas instalações da KixiCrédito em Malanje
Aurélio Cua.

Benguela – A new micro-credit operator came into operation last Friday, in Benguela, in an initiative by banking agent BAI – “Buaio Kumbu”, aiming to promote the business of small entrepreneurs, ANGOP has learned.

The managing partner of the micro-credit concession operator, João Buaio, made it known that the launch of this new simplified service aims to give entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop their businesses, through loans of small amounts.

According to the manager, this service differentiates itself in the microfinance market, in Benguela, due to its speed and simplification, that is, interested parties only present a copy of the ticket and the bank statement with the movement of the last six months.

João Buaio added that the requested amount is made available to the citizen within 24 hours, as it is a simplified micro-credit service.

As for the repayment period, he said it was 12 months negotiable, with an interest rate of up to 12 percent.

In addition to the new micro-credit house under the auspices of banking agent BAI – “Buaio Kumbu”, KixiCrédito and Wiliete Crédito are also operating in Benguela, also aimed at micro and small entrepreneurs.

Microcredit is a small-value loan, generally aimed at micro and small individual entrepreneurs, who do not have easy access to conventional loans or credits.

