AIPEX records over USD three billion investment in ZEE

  • Luanda     Monday, 12 April De 2021    19h39  
António Henrique da Silva, PCA da AIPIEX
António Henrique da Silva, PCA da AIPIEX
António Escrivão

Luanda - The Agency for Private Investment and Export Promotion (AIPEX), over the last three years, has recorded private investment of around US$3.492 billion in different projects in the Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE), said its chairperson, Henrique da Silva.

The official, who was speaking on the sidelines of a visit by the diplomatic corps accredited in Angola to the ZEE, noted that of the amounts mentioned, US$120 million had been invested in 2020, considering that it had been an atypical year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

"We believe that throughout this year and in 2022 the recovery will be effective in the agriculture sector," he said.

According to the official, investments were mixed (national and foreign), with a predominance in the industry sector.

During the period in question, AIPEX registered 23,191 jobs for national citizens and 1,796 for expatriate.

Henrique da Silva explained that the projects set up in the ZEE demonstrate the advantages provided by the Private Investment Law.

The visit promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MIREX) and the Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone for the diplomatic corps accredited in Angola is part of the spirit of promoting economic diplomacy, the main "banner" of the Angolan government's foreign policy.

The Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE), created in 2009, has as its mission the attraction of internal and external, national and foreign investments, to encourage the development and diversification of our country's economy, via increased production, growth of exports and reduction of imports.

The enterprise currently has 80 companies installed.


