New public procurement law enters into force

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 20 January De 2021    16h49  
Manuel Nunes Junior Ministro De Estado Para Coordenação Económica
Manuel Nunes Junior Ministro De Estado Para Coordenação Económica
Gaspar Dos Santos

Luanda - The Public Procurement Law approved by the National Assembly comes into force on January 23 with aim to confer improvements to the business environment in Angola.

The legal tool was presented on Wednesday to the heads of the organs of sovereignty and central administration of the State, in a meeting guided by the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, Manuel Nunes Júnior.

According to the minister, it is an instrument that will contribute to the improvement of the business environment in progress in Angola and combat the "cronyism" in procedures.

For Manuel Nunes Júnior, the law will also stimulate and intensify national public procurement under PRODESI, favoring the dynamization of national companies and the increase of employment in Angola.

The reforms in the legislation, the minister said, aim to revitalize the productive sector in Angola and increase productivity, employment levels and living conditions of citizens.

Manuel Nunes Júnior said he is convinced that the Law will help the main players in the market to come into contact with the main changes and that its implementation will result in gains and transparency in public procurement procedures.

In the meantime, the minister highlighted the positive results of the fourth evaluation conducted to the expanded financing, which the country has been developing with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since December 2018.


