Government wants public procurement in line with sustainability

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 26 March De 2024    16h11  
Indústria moageira Soronel, na Huíla
Indústria moageira Soronel, na Huíla
Morais Silva - ANGOP

Luanda - The Secretary of State for Budget and Public Investment, Juciene de Sousa, reiterated Tuesday that action should be taken with the aim of each kwanza spent on contracting goods and services making a real contribution to improving the way of life in Angola.

The official, who was speaking at the opening of the 3rd Methodological Meeting with Public Procurement Units, said contracts should result in what the administration really wants.

The main objective, Sousa said, is to make Angolan public procurement increasingly transparent, competitive and efficient.

"The whole contracting process, when not done well, creates bureaucracy and does not add value to the rigorous work that is expected of all officials," Sousa said.

Juciene de Sousa considered that doing it well frees up the budget units to perform their duties as well as possible, focusing their energies on government and administrative action.

The Secretary of State pointed out that the Public Procurement Units (UCP) have perfectly qualified human capital at their disposal, with agility and rigor, in a time of urgency for generating results, marked by technological disruption, which demands technical and technological knowledge from everyone, without neglecting ethical issues.

The Public Procurement Units were created to ensure that each budgetary unit correctly applies the legislation on public procurement, monitors the procedures for forming public contracts, promotes legality and competition, and adopts measures to prevent acts of corruption and fraud in public contracts.

The purpose of the UCP is to identify and plan the requirements for drawing up the procedures and monitoring the execution of contracts, tasks which require rigour, competence and responsibility.ML/AC/TEDAMP
