Governor highlights creation of first Gold Refinery

  • Luanda     Monday, 27 June De 2022    18h36  
Governadora de Luanda, Ana Paula de Carvalho
Governadora de Luanda, Ana Paula de Carvalho
Clemente dos Santos

Viana - The governor of Luanda province, Ana Paula de Carvalho, said Monday in Viana that the laying of the first stone for construction of the Gold Refinery aims to promote the value chain of minerals in the country, from exploration, transformation and commercialisation.

The project is budgeted at around USD 7 million, which includes construction, equipment, as well as training technicians, in a total of 30 direct jobs.

The governor, who was speaking at the ceremony to lay the first stone of construction of the refinery, said she was pleased with the investment being made in human capital, whilst the work was underway, in order to prepare them technically to take on their duties with zeal and self-denial.

However, she warned the contractor to carry out its activity of building the infrastructure, within the stipulated period of one year.

In his turn, the Minister for Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino de Azevedo, noted that this project symbolised an important milestone for the precious metals sub-sector, with gold being a main product to be processed at the refinery's future facilities, at the Viana Industrial Hub (PIV).
