Lunda Sul Governor wants rehabilitation of the EN -195

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 28 November De 2023    12h22  
Estrada Nacional 180 Troço Saurimo, província da Lunda Sul
Estrada Nacional 180 Troço Saurimo, província da Lunda Sul
Quintas Benjamim-ANGOP

Saurimo – The governor of Lunda Sul, Daniel Neto, defended, on Monday, the rehabilitation of the EN-195 National Road, which connects the commune of Muriege, Cassai Sul, to the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Daniel Neto explained that the rehabilitation of the road will facilitate the exchange of goods between the two countries and make it more fluid and competitive in financial terms.

The governor also pointed out the construction of two fuel filling stations (diesel and gasoline) along the roads between the municipalities of Cacolo and Dala, taking into account the traffic in those districts.

He made it known that the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo has a length of 282.5 kilometers, which is why there is an urgent need to acquire water and land resources, to allow greater surveillance of the area, by the Border Guard Police, as well as the construction of police stations.

On the other hand, he informed the President of the Republic that the Deolinda Rodrigues airport, due to the lack of fencing, saw the lighting, communication and navigation system sabotaged, so it must be rehabilitated and sealed to ensure greater safety for aircraft and equipment.

Daniel Neto also requested the construction of 510 residences in all municipalities, to attract more staff to work in these areas, since they do not have decent infrastructures to welcome technicians and young people looking for housing.

He also informed that the centrality of Saurimo, whose works began in 2017, has completed, in a first phase, 212 residences, out of the three thousand planned.

The President of the Republic worked in Saurimo for two days, whose agenda included the inauguration of the Luele mining project and a meeting with the provincial government and members of the Executive. JW/VM/DOJ
