Agro-industrial fair generates over AKZ 300mln

  • Luanda     Sunday, 07 April De 2024    21h16  
Feira alusiva aos 50 anos da cidade do Soyo
Feira alusiva aos 50 anos da cidade do Soyo
Pedro Vidal-ANGOP

Malanje – The first Agro-Industrial Fair of the Northern Region of Angola held in Malanje province on April 4 to 7 generated a total of 325 million kwanzas in turnover.

The information was disclosed by the chairman of the Board of Directors of the company organizer of the fair, Carlos Calas, adding that the figure resulted from the sale of products and that around 8,000 people visited the fair, while some 80 direct jobs and 135 indirect jobs were created,  whose figures met  the expectations.

Franco Mufinda, Malanje deputy governor for Political, Economic and Social sector, said the figures achieved represent an acceptable indicator of the diversification of the economy that is desired in the country.

Mufinda added that industry and agriculture were sectors highlighted during the fair, since they contribute to the implementation of the Poverty Reduction Program.

At least 205 exhibitors from the agro-industry sector displayed their products at the fair, who essentially sold agricultural and industrial products, machinery and equipment, among other products.

The four-day event served also to publicize the agricultural, tourist and economic potential of the northern provinces, establish partnerships and other business opportunities.

The fair was part of the commemorations of the 22nd anniversary of the Peace and National Reconciliation Day marked on April 4.



