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Mumba Farm with 100 tons of beef for market

  • Luanda • Thursday, 08 December de 2022 | 10h07
Gado na Fazenda Mumba
Gado na Fazenda Mumba
António Escrivão

Cuvango -Hundred tons of beef should be placed on the market by the end of this year by the Mumba cattle ranch, in Cubango River, Cuvango munucipality, southern Huila province.

The project, whose investment is estimated at USD 60 million, started being implemented in 2015.

Mumba Farm intends to assume itself as a major player in the breeding of improved beef cattle and make the country self-sufficient in terms of animal protein, the Farm’s CEO Nuno Paulo has told  ANGOP.

He said the farm slaughters 60 cattle per week and until October it had placed on the market nearly 400 tons of meat in the markets of Huíla, Luanda, Benguela, Huambo, Cabinda, Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul, registering an increase of 25 percent/year.    

Nuno Paulo said that the enterprise has 6,000 animals, predicting that this number may grow to more than 120,000 for the ten years to come.

The projection based on investment in a reproduction programme by artificial insemination that will start in 2023, with the help by Brazilian partners. 

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