Oil exports generate more than USD 40 billion in 2022

  • Luanda     Thursday, 19 October De 2023    19h03  
Crude oil barrel
Crude oil barrel
Crude oil barrel

Luanda – Angola’s export of 395.99 million barrels of crude oil made it possible to obtain revenue of US$40,4 billions, at an average price of USD 101,77 per barrel, during the 2022 financial year.

The amount of crude oil exported during this period exceeded that of 2021, in which the export of 394.22 million barrels of crude oil was registered, resulting in revenue of 24.5 billion dollars.

According to the report on the Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas sector - 2022, to which ANGOP had access this Thursday, the largest volume of exports carried out in 2022 was destined for China, which imported 53.79% of the total oil gross from Angola, followed by India with 9.44%, and the Netherlands with 5.11%.

In the same period, the document states, South Africa was the only African country that imported crude oil from Angola, with an import volume corresponding to 0.75% of the total.

Exports of Angolan vines made to 21 countries around the world increased by around 0.50% compared to those carried out in 2021, mainly due to the lifting of some measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the increase in production volume of crude oil in Angola.

In a universe of 18 oil companies, which exported Angolan crude, the highlight goes to the National Agency of Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (ANPG), which exported 100.94 million barrels (25.49%), followed by Sonangol 59.37 milllion barrels (14.99%), while TotalEnergies added 54.7 million barrels (13.81%).

In the same sequence, the oil company ESSO exported 36.14 million (9.13%), BP 31.50 million (7.96%), SSI 28. 13 million (7.10%), ENI 28.11 million (7.07%) and Equinor 25.67 million(6.33%).

In the aforementioned period, Angola registered a total production of 414.899.452 barrels of crude oil, on a daily average of 1.136.711 barrels.

Compared to the previous year, the average daily production in 2022 represented an increase of 1.19%.

However, the daily average of oil production in 2022 represented a reduction of 0.98%, compared to that projected in July 2021, mainly due to the natural decline and maturity of the fields, unplanned production losses (technical- operational), closure of wells and some platforms.

Currently, oil production levels in Angola are around 1.100.00 barrels/day, compared to 1.800.000 barrels/day registered in 2015, for example.

With reserves estimated at 9 billion barrels of crude oil and 5.95 billion cubic meters of gas, the Angolan Government continues to work to maintain competitiveness and crude oil production levels above 1.1 million barrels/day, planning to bid for another 50 oil blocks by 2025.


