Government promotes institutionally guided private construction

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 17 October De 2023    17h06  
Resettlement in Mayé Mayé urban zone in Luanda
Resettlement in Mayé Mayé urban zone in Luanda
Pedro Parente

Luanda - The Ministry of Public Works, Urbanisation and Housing is facilitating the implementation of guided private construction with the institutional preparation of landplots with basic infrastructures (housing and necessary services), in order to promote good land management through the promotion of territorial planning instruments.

According to the secretary of State for Urbanisation and Housing, Manuel da Costa Canguezeze, the mentioned project, to be implemented in the 2023-2027 period, is based on the Land Regulation of existing settlements through urban regeneration.

Opening the lecture on “the Future of Land Management in Angola”, the official recognized that the project will need land management policy measures from the Geographical and Cadastral Institute of Angola (IGCA) based on the national cadastral system for greater control of the land.

"The Government intends to create methods with a view to attracting and setting affordable land prices, taking into account the objective of defining criteria so that construction is carried out at moderate prices, with a view to facilitating people's access to housing," he said.

Manuel Canguezeze said also that this project aims to create fair and transparent rules for the citizens, as well as to reduce bureaucracy in the procedures.

He informed that in the framework of the Simplify project, the government wants to review issues regarding land management in Angola, assess the sustainable urban development by sharing the promise of prosperity in a time of growth.

At the time, he reaffirmed the government's commitment to creating land-use planning policies.

During the event the ongoing programme on the Implementation of the Integrated Land Registry System that has been drawn by the IGCA and the Geodata a subsidiary company of the Mitrelli group which works on the geospatial assessment and information.

According to Geodata's representative, Ana Pires, they are currently training technicians and carrying out nationwide registration.

The lecture on the "Future of Land Management in Angola" was organised by Geodata and the IGCA.

