Government, UNFAO mobilise resources to tackle locust swarms

  • Luanda     Monday, 12 April De 2021    04h55  
Campo agrícola
Campo agrícola
Aurélio Januário

Luanda - The fight against the plague of locusts affecting the southern region of Angola will involve airborne resources to spray the affected regions with insecticides, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said, adding to the efforts of the Angolan government.

This may take a month, including the survey of the affected areas and the evacuation of the population to other safer areas.

According to FAO researcher Panzo Domingos, in an interview on Angolan Public Television, the swarms is due to climate change, which is having a massive effect on the reproduction of locusts, affecting agricultural fields and pastures in African countries.

In Angola, the plague was initially restricted to Cuando Cubango province, specifically in the municipalities of Dirico, Rivungo, Calai, Cuangar and Mavinga, having expanded Friday 9 to Cunene province.

"We have to use insecticides to do an air spraying and, at the moment, we are working with the Angolan government, for that purpose," said the researcher of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, on Sunday.

A multi-sectoral commission, which includes technicians from some ministerial departments has already been created, with highlight to the Ministries of Agriculture, of the Interior, of Defence (National Air Force), of Health and FAO itself.


