Government provides Akz 100 billion for road recovery

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 14 September De 2021    19h05  
Ministro Manuel Tavares de Almeida.
Ministro Manuel Tavares de Almeida.
António Escrivão

Ndalatando - The Ministry for Public Works and Territorial Planning has 100 billion kwanzas available to restart work on stalled roads, in order to improve road mobility, the sector's minister, Manuel Tavares de Almeida said Tuesday in Ndalatando, capital of Cuanza Norte province.

Speaking to the press, Manuel Tavares de Almeida said that with this boost to the budget the Ministry for Public Works and Territorial Planning would re-launch the road salvation plan, as well as continuing with work that had been halted due to a lack of financial resources.

Without setting a deadline, Manuel Tavares de Almeida said that the sector urgently needed to rehabilitate the Catete/Maria/Ndalatando sections of around 160 kilometres.

The Cabinet minister also pointed to the restart of the work between the municipalities of Samba Caju, Banga, Quiculungo and Bolongongo, on a route of 90.5 kilometres, which had been at a halt for about two years due to delays in payment.

Started in July 2017, the project, with a 15-month execution period, is budgeted at Akz 11.6 billion.

The section is made up of a package of three lots: Samba Caju/Uiangombe/Banga, over a distance of 46 kilometres, Banga/Quiculungo, over 35.5 kilometres, and Quiculungo/Bolongongo, of nine and a half kilometres.

The platform includes a five centimetre wearing course in bituminous concrete, another base layer in extra granulometry crushed aggregate and a sub-base of granulometrically stabilised soil without mixture, both of 20 centimetes.
