Foreign excursionists visit Luanda tourist sites

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 30 November De 2022    14h16  
Tourists from various countries visit Luanda
Tourists from various countries visit Luanda
Nelson Malamba

Luanda - Some 550 excursionists, out of the 1,081 on board of the "Cruise Ship MS Zaandam", are taking part in the city tour, in different tourist spots in the capital of Angola.

The tourists - 885 from US, 118 (Canada) and 19 Australia - are visiting sites such as the São Miguel Fortress (now the Museum of Military History), the Slavery Museum and Luanda Island.

The Excursionist Filipe ADAM says he joined the tour that passes through Angola because he would like to have the opportunity to sail around the African continent for the first time.

Cruise Ship MS Zaandam, with a capacity for 1400 people and about 10 floors, is dedicated essentially to tourism, making voyage around the world.

This is the thirty-ninth cruise ship linked to Angola harbour since October 2012, as part of the promotion of national tourism.
