National Space Strategy 2016-2025 with concrete results

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 02 April De 2024    12h12  
Centro de Controlo e Missão de Satélites
Centro de Controlo e Missão de Satélites
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The implementation of the National Space Strategy 2016-2025 is achieving concrete results and contributing to improving the lives of Angolans, the director general of the National Space Program Management Office (GGPEN), Zolana João said Tuesday.

Speaking at the 3rd edition of New Space Africa (Africa Space Conference 2024), he emphasized that the results of the strategy should be presented during the event.

The director general of Space in Africa, Temidayo Oniosun, emphasized that the conference shows the commitment to collaboration and development in the space sector on the continent.

In his view, the conference serves as a lever for the major investments made in the sector, demonstrating Angola's efforts in this area, while the event remains the main instrument for technological advances in the space industry chain. 

According to him, by holding this event Angola will be in a position to open up more opportunities over the next four days, which will bring together the players in the space industry.

Mohammed Belhocine, the African Union's commissioner for education, science, technology and innovation, on his turn,  thanked the African Union for inviting him to take part in the event, emphasizing that the meeting will address general issues rather than technical ones.

The third edition of New Space Africa, in which the world's largest space agencies are expected to take part, runs from April 2 to 5.

It will analyze how technology can be used to resolve poverty in Africa, in the sense of the transformative potential of space technology in issues related to agriculture, health and security.

The continent's largest space event organized by Space in Africa, in partnership with the African Union and Angola National Space Program Management Office (GGPEN), brings together decision-makers, government representatives, leaders from academia and the African space industry, in an environment that will seek to analyze the role of space in reducing the poverty gap.

NASA (US Space Agency), the European Space Agency (ESA), SANSA (South Africa) and KSA (Kenya) are also taking part in the event.

The event also brings together representatives from 54 countries, including emissaries from the NASA, the European space agency, as well as Russia and China.HM/AC/DAN/AMP
