Entrepreneurs urge more communication on importance of taxes

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 07 June De 2023    17h11  

Luanda - A more transparent and simplified communication on the importance of taxes was advocated Wednesday, in Luanda Province, by businesspeople.

Businessman Pinto Matamba, who was representing Kiyamata Business Center at the III Edition of the Conference on Taxation, considers the need to create concrete campaigns to create a closer relationship between taxpayers and the General Tax Administration (AGT).

"I know businessmen that are afraid of being approached by AGT professionals, in my opinion this organization should continue to hold meetings for entrepreneurs", he said.

To him, tax reform has been crucial for the business sector, as it contributes to the efficiency and governance of companies, making them more accountable to the tax authorities.

On his turn, the Chairman of the Association of Service Providers in the Oil Industry of Angola (AECIPA), Bráulio de Brito, said he doesn't feel "trapped" by the tax reform, given that it provides several benefits for national businesspeople and admitted the necessary improvement in communication between AGT and taxpayers.

In his view, it is fundamental that the General Tax Administration work together with taxpayers aiming to reach a major development.

In his opinion, it is essential that the AGT work together with taxpayers in order to achieve further development.

Jorge Duarte, director of business development for the System of Technology and Industry (SISTEC), was satisfied with AGT's services and expressed his willingness to continue to support the government's new tax reform strategies.

Tax reform is a political and economic reform aiming at the legislative structure for collecting taxes, fees, and other contributions in force in a nation, so that the taxation system is modernized to correct problems of an economic and social nature.

The event, which is taking place under the motto “Fiscal Reform, a decade later: Retrospective and challenge”, is being promoted by the Economia & Mercado magazine. HEM/AC//MRA/jmc

