Interbank services to carry out maintenance work on ATM

  • Luanda     Friday, 09 February De 2024    16h47  
BCI inaugura ATM Center 24/24h
BCI inaugura ATM Center 24/24h

Luanda - The Interbank Services Company (EMIS) has warned users of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) that it will be carrying out maintenance work during the early hours of February 11 and 12, which will cause some disruption to its services, ANGOP has learnt.

According to the company’s statement this is a preventive maintenance that could cause possible constraints of instability in the service during that period of time, thus the company appeals the understanding due to that fact.

EMIS is a public limited company owned by commercial banks in the domestic market, with the main mission of developing and operating the Angolan Payment System (SPA).

It was created in 2001 and aims to contribute to the spread of the electronic payment system in Angola and to the general efficiency of the country’s payment system, guaranteeing security, efficiency, convenience and innovation at the lowest possible cost.


