Commercial banks acquire USD 300mln from Treasury

  • Luanda     Friday, 16 February De 2024    14h39  

Luanda - A total of 19 commercial banks have acquired 300 million made available for sale to the market by the National Treasury since February 14 on the Bloomberg Platform, ANGOP has learnt.

According to a note made available on the BNA’s website, without citing names, it says that the amount was acquired in full by the Commercial Banks in the foreign exchange sales session that took place on Wednesday, and that the operations in question were carried out at the exchange rate of USD/AOA (kwanzas) 828.261.

Angola National Bank (BNA) said that the amount would be available throughout the week until it was sold out.

The BNA added that there would be daily foreign currency sales sessions on the Bloomberg Platform, using the STA (Single Tenor Action) command, from 09h00 to 11h00, and that commercial banks could also buy foreign currency using the RFQ (Request for Quote) command until 13h00.

BNA figures show that Angola saw an increase of more than 200 million US dollars in the availability of foreign currency in January, from 600 million dollars a month to 836 million dollars. HM/AC/TED/AMP
