National accounts with 0.6% growth

  • Luanda     Thursday, 15 April De 2021    19h52  
National Statistics Institute (INE) logo
National Statistics Institute (INE) logo

Luanda - National accounts for the fourth quarter of 2020 grew by 0.6 percent, compared to the third quarter of the same year, according to data released this Thursday by the National Statistics Institute (INE).

However, compared to the fourth quarter of 2019, the GDP fell by 5.4%, according to the report (summary) presented to the press, by INE's deputy director, Anália Nunda Prata . 


Seven sectors, namely, construction (-41.5%), postal and telecommunications (-16.9%), transport and storage (13.2%), oil extraction and refining (-10.8%), public administration (-6.8%), electricity and water (-2.9%) and other services (-2.8%), contributed to the negative results of the fourth quarter of 2020 compared to 2019. 


For the intra-trimester growth (III and IV) registered in 2020, the sectors of commerce (0.4%), transport and storage (0.3%), fishing (0.3%), real estate services and rental ( 0.2%) contributed substantially. 


With decreasing performance, in the period in reference, there were the sectors of extraction and refining of crude oil and natural gas (-0.3%), construction (-0.2%), Manufacturing and public administration (-0.1% each). 


As for the growing sectoral analysis of the total GDP variation by percentage points (PP), fisheries registered an increase in the order of 73.8%, transport 82%, financial intermediation 18.6% Real estate services 12.1% and agriculture and livestock 2.3%. 


For the decreasing results, also sectoral, in the total variation of the GDP by percentage points (PP), there were negative results in the branches of the manufacturing industry (5.0%), electricity (1.7%), construction (8.4%) , telecommunications (8.5%), public administration (2.70%). 


Surplus in External Accounts 

The National Reserve Bank of Angola (BNA) also recently published the information on External Statistics for the 4th Quarter of 2020, referring to the balance of payments and the position of international investment.


 According to the document to which ANGOP has had access, the current account balance presents a positive performance, registering a surplus in the order of US $ 463.7 million, in the fourth quarter of 2020, equivalent to 3.5% of GDP. 


The positive current account balance is justified, above all, by the increase in exports of goods to a greater extent than that of imports of goods and services. 


The financial account registered a surplus balance of US $ 1.4 billion, influenced by the significant decrease in foreign direct investment liabilities, as well as loans with non-residents (other investment), which contributed to the reduction of the external debt. 


The net position of international investment, in the fourth quarter of 2020, improved its deficit balance, which stood at US $ 32.1 billion, as a result of the decrease in liabilities, mainly in direct investment and loans, greater than the reduction in financial assets. 


The stock of gross international reserves decreased by 4.1%, from US $ 15.4 billion in the third quarter of 2020 to US $ 14.7billion in the corresponding quarter (IV) coverage of 11.0 months of imports of goods and services. 
