Economic and Social Council approves strategies for rice and coffee cultivation

  • Luanda     Saturday, 02 March De 2024    01h32  
Município de Luquembo tem grande potencial para produção de arroz (Arquivo)
Município de Luquembo tem grande potencial para produção de arroz (Arquivo)
Leonardo Castro

Luanda - The analysis and approval of the proposal for tangible actions on rice and coffee cultivation in Angola was one of the highlights at the first plenary meeting of the Economic and Social Council (CES), in 2024, held on Friday in Luanda.

Under the guidance of the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José de Lima Massano, the members of the CES also analyzed and approved the proposal on the “elimination of barriers and acceleration of trade between Angola and other SADC countries”.

In the social domain, the council also gave the “green light” to strategic actions on the 'environment - environmental conservation areas”, in addition to analyzing other documents related to the country's macroeconomic, business and social situation.

According to the statement from the executive secretariat of the CES, to which ANGOP had access, the matters analyzed and approved, with amendments, at this meeting will be sent to the Holder of the Executive Power, with the aim of making the best decisions for the well-being of the citizens and ensure the country's stability in the continental context and in the world.

Regarding the council meeting, the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José de Lima Massano, highlighted the need to take greater advantage of the strengths and strengths emerging from the aforementioned meeting, as well as reinforcing the proximity between the Executive and the agents that deal with with issues of day-to-day economic activity, according to the final statement from the CES.

The Economic and Social Council is a collegial body that consults the President of the Republic, made up of 45 members, chosen from among recognized experts in the areas of economic and social sciences, as well as businesspeople and managers with recognized qualities, who will serve a two-year term, with objective of contributing to the improvement of macroeconomic, business and social policies drawn up by the Angolan Executive. OPF/QCB/DOJ
