CATOCA defends equity in distribution of resources for countries’ progress

  • Luanda     Thursday, 08 February De 2024    06h50  

Cape Town - Mining companies must transform the concept of social responsibility into actions that pursue social justice and equity in the distribution of resources explored in diamond areas, the general director of CATOCA, Benedito Manuel said on Wednesday, in Cape Town.

When speaking on the panel that addressed the social responsibility of diamond companies in the mining regions, on the last day of the Mining Indaba, the head of the largest mining company in the country, understands that the exploited resource must be processed in that country, creating a value chain that promote jobs in the transformation process and contributing to development.

“Companies must stop thinking that the fact that a mining company carries out social support actions is enough to contribute to the development of the region”, he said, in a panel attended by investors, operators and shareholders of multinationals.

The official recalled that there are countries where important resources are explored, promoting major changes for the development of humanity, but these nations, possessing mineral resources, have not been developed.YD/AC/DOJ
