Catoca fetches USD 280 mln in six months

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 14 July De 2021    19h44  
Diamonds from Angola
Diamonds from Angola
Pedro Parente

Luanda - Catoca Mining Society Diamond (SMC) yielded USD 280 million in the first half of this year, according to the head of Production and Technical Control Department.

Rómulo Mucase attributed the increase to the sale of 2.9 million carats of the stone.


According to him, the turnover represents an increase of 81 percent, comparing to that of the previous period (2020), when it was sent reeling from the shock of Covid-19 pandemic.


Speaking by videoconference, from the eastern Lunda Sul province, Mucase added that the pandemic forced the mining project to lay off 70% of its work force.


He added that currently the number of the employees laid off stands at about 60%, as result of reduction in contamination rate of covid-19.


Easing in prevention measures enabled the society to gradually resume its production, with an average of the production of about 477 carats per month.


Rómulo Mucase predicted increase in production levels in this  second half, in view of the reinstating of larger part of the company’s work force.


Located 35 km from the province’s capital city, Saurimo, Catoca Mining Society has about 5,000 workers.


Shareholders include Endiama-Angola, Alrosa-Russia and Lev Leviev International-LLI (China).


Catoca started its exploration activity in 1997.


In addition to Catoca, twelve other projects are operating in the country.

They are Calonda, Chitotolo, Lulu, Lunhinga, Cuango, Catoca, Furi, Uari, Yetwene, Luminas,  Somiluana and Kaixepa.

There is also plan to start up the mining projects of Tchiegi, Luaxe and Mucuanza, located in the provinces of Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul. 


He also announced other 14 projects as being prepared.


They feature Chinguvo, Dala, Gango, Sequege, Tchafua, Quitapazunzo, Cassanguidi, Lacage, Chitamba, Tchissombo, Mualengue, Mussanja, Sachenda e Banje Angola. 
