Structuring projects guarantee electricity autonomy

  • Luanda     Friday, 05 April De 2024    09h50  
Solar panels
Solar panels

Cabinda - The construction of the photovoltaic park in Cabinda and other structuring projects in the electricity sector currently underway will ensure autonomy in the electricity supply in this province, the Secretary of State for Energy, Arlindo Carlos, has said.

Speaking after an assessment visit to the sector's infrastructures, the official said the solar panel plant, whose works are progressing satisfactorily, will have the capacity to produce 90 megawatts of electricity.

The infrastructure installed in Chinganga city, about 17 kilometers south of Cabinda city, will have 200,000 solar panels that will reinforce the current 145 megawatts produced by the Malembo Thermal Power Plant.

Alongside this project, the Secretary of State said that there are also plans to build another infrastructure that will connect Cabinda province to the national electricity grid, via two 220-kilowatt circuits with a capacity of 300 megawatts

Arlindo Carlos recalled that the sector is committed to implementing the structuring project that will serve as a robust solution to generate jobs for young people. 

According to Arlindo Carlos, the government continues to mobilize funding to implement projects that contribute to the economic development of the region and the social well-being of the population.

Cabinda currently benefits from the electricity produced by the Malembo Thermal Power Station, which operates with five turbines, three of which are gas and two diesels, totaling an installed capacity of 145 megawatts. ING/JFC/QCB/AMP


