Governor highlights rural women’s contribution

  • Luanda     Saturday, 09 March De 2024    09h19  
Entrevista a governadora Mara Quiosa
Entrevista a governadora Mara Quiosa
Miguel Catumbila-ANGOP

Cabinda - The governor of Cabinda Province, Mara Quiosa, highlighted, in the commune of Massabi, municipality of Cacongo, the contribution of rural women in promoting agricultural activity.

Mara Quiosa met this Friday with rural women, as part of the 8th March commemoration (International Women's Day), having encouraged investment in agriculture, livestock, fish processing, among other activities that contribute to the growth of families' income.

She defended the need for academic and vocational training, as a way of facilitating the insertion of women in useful activities in society.

Mara Quiosa advised women to refrain from excessive use of alcoholic beverages, drugs and other prohibited substances that encourage violence at home.

She guided related institutions to continue promoting actions that contribute to family stability and social well-being.

During her working visit, the governor enjoyed an exhibition of rural products and offered six machines for grinding cassava.

