Central Bank adds real GDP growth to Inflation Survey

  • Luanda     Monday, 01 April De 2024    14h07  
Banco Nacional de Angola
Banco Nacional de Angola
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The National Bank of Angola (BNA) has added the exchange rate and the real growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to Survey 1 on inflation expectations for March, ANGOP learnt Monday.

According to a note on the Central Bank's website, the survey to be completed by business institutions, economic agents and the general public, must be submitted to the BNA by April 10.

The note adds that the initiative comes as part of the project to develop Indicators on market expectations, in addition to the survey on inflation expectations, adding the exchange rate and real GDP growth.

The aim is to improve its tools for analyzing the behavior of the country's main macroeconomic variables, taking into account the expectations of economic agents and incorporating them into its forecasting model.HM/AC/DAN/AMP

