New 132-room hotel in Benguela

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 20 March De 2024    09h23  
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Hotel Flow abre portas em Benguela
Hotel Flow abre portas em Benguela
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Vista panorâmica do Hotel Flow em Benguela
Vista panorâmica do Hotel Flow em Benguela

Catumbela – The city of Benguela gained a new accommodation unit since this Monday, called FLOW Hotel, which created 80 direct and 140 indirect jobs, ANGOP learned today.

In a note sent to ANGOP, the company OnTour, Gestão de Serviços Hoteleiros, highlights that the FLOW Hotel brings to the region a unique and differentiated service, committed to excellence in business and leisure for the customers.

Located close to the Ombaka National Stadium, the unit is six (6) kilometers from the city center of Benguela and nine (9) km from Catumbela airport, offering 132 rooms, including six (6) suites.

Likewise, the FLOW Hotel has a conference room with capacity for 200 people, a coworking space and a business center, suitable for meetings or support on business trips.

It also has a swimming pool, terrace, gym, parking for 200 vehicles and shops that will soon offer a range of services that will enrich and diversify the hotel's offering.

In terms of services, the hotel offers free Wi-Fi, laundry, room service and WhatsApp concierge, an innovative service that allows a quick response, 24 hours a day, to hotel guests.

As for employees, the majority were recruited in the region, having benefited from training to provide excellent service and support to customers.

Commitment to excellence

According to Agostinho Julante, deputy director of the hotel unit, FLOW Hotel is committed to excellence in hospitality, contributing to the economic and social development of the province of Benguela.

Agostinho Julante also highlights that the hotel is prepared to provide an offer of unforgettable experiences to all its guests and visitors, whether for leisure or work.

