Attention focused on Angola today at Mining Indaba

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 06 February De 2024    07h03  
Cape Town: Standa de Angola das mais concorrida na Mining Indaba.
Cape Town: Standa de Angola das mais concorrida na Mining Indaba.
Yambeno Jamba - ANGOP

Cape Town - Angola will present new investment intentions today, Tuesday, at the International Conference on Mining in Africa, Mining Indaba, taking place in Cape Town (South Africa), on a day reserved for the country that is represented by 14 companies from the diamond and non-diamond subsector.

After presenting solutions for “Critical Minerals for Energy Transition”, a topic covered in the last edition, in this 30th event, the country chose two themes: Angolan Mining Potential and Angolan Diamond Potential, whose ceremony will be led by the Minister of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas, Diamantino de Azevedo.

This is a great opportunity to show potential investors the Angolan mineral wealth contained in the National Geology Plan (PLANAGEO) and attract financing for the mining sector, at a time when the event addresses the motto “Embracing the power of positive disruption: a bold new future for African mining.”

Angola Day is also a unique moment for the country to transmit experience, attract investments to boost projects, identify and establish partnerships in the field of service provision, as well as promote the potential and commitment of the national mining sector to sustainability and female inclusion. .

Angola has been successful in attracting investment through the Mining Indaba, and in the last two years it has managed to attract companies such as Rio Tinto, the return of De Beers and the installation of Anglo-américa, three multinationals, to the Angolan market.

Fourteen companies represent Angola, with emphasis on ENDIAMA and SODIAM, E.P, ENDIAMA MINING, CATOCA, Chitotolo, Luele, Furi, as well as Kaixepa, AJ Silva, Geosondas, HM Granitos, Minbos and Shining Star.

The International Conference on Mining in Africa, known as Mining Indaba, which is now in its 30th edition, is the largest African investment event in the mining sector, bringing together more than six thousand 500 delegates from 100 countries around the world. YD/DOJ
