Vessel with more than 300 boxes of fish seized for illegal fishing

  • Luanda     Monday, 06 May De 2024    11h45  
Apreendido no Soyo navio de pesca ilegal
Apreendido no Soyo navio de pesca ilegal

Mbanza Kongo - A ship loaded with more than 300 boxes of fish was seized on Sunday, on the seafront of the municipality of Soyo, Zaire province, for alleged illegal fishing in national waters.

The information was revealed Monday, to the press, in Mbanza Kongo, by the spokesperson for the Zaire Provincial Command of the National Police, quartermaster Luís Bernardo, who assumed that it was a vessel from the Democratic Republic of Congo, as it bears a flag of that neighboring country.

Named “Bosa F2”, the ship, with 10 crew members on board, including two Chinese and eight Congolese, was seized following an operation involving the Multisectoral Surveillance and Inspection Group for the Sea Coast of the province of Zaire.

The seized fish, according to the source, was handed over to the fishing company “Canal Yá Poto” as faithful custodian, while the proceedings of the ten crew members with the Public Prosecutor's Office are ongoing.

Meanwhile, ANGOP learned from another source that preferred not to be identified, that the company “Bosa” initialed, in June 2021, with the head of inspection of the Soyo fisheries sector, an agreement that aimed to disburse, monthly, an amount of USD 6,500 which, supposedly, would be used for the members of the multisectoral inspection group, to guarantee smooth fishing activities in territorial waters, by the aforementioned firm.

This matter, according to the same source, is also being looked carefully by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the district.

The province of Zaire has a 250 km coastline crossed by the municipalities of Soyo, Nzeto and Tomboco. JL/DOJ
