Over 400,000 Namibian dollars seized at Santa Clara border check-point

  • Luanda     Monday, 05 February De 2024    18h39  
Dólares namibianos
Dólares namibianos
Fabiana Hitalukua-ANGOP

Ondjiva – Angola’s police seized 424,900 Namibian dollars at the border of Santa-Clara, Cunene province, for violating the limit established for currency circulation, from national territory to outside of the country.

The fact was made public Monday, by the director of Institutional Communication and Press of the National Police in Cunene, chief superintendent Nicolau Tuvecalela, stating that the value was found in the possession of a 22-year-old national citizen, when he intended to transpose the border towards the neighboring country.

He added that the amount was detected during the search process carried out by members of the Customs Tax Police, deployed in that cross-border perimeter, for violating the rules established for the transport of large sums without the tax authority's knowledge.

He made it known that the aforementioned citizen is currently detained, while the legal procedures of the case are ongoing and the amount seized is sent to the Treasury's Single Account.

According to the Penal Code, the alleged perpetrator commits the crime of fraud when transporting currency abroad, foreseen and punishable under the terms of paragraph 1 of article 464.

This is the first seizure of large sums in foreign currency, destined for Namibia, since the beginning of the current year.

The province of Cunene shares 460 kilometers of border with the Republic of Namibia, of which 340 are land and 120 are river. FI/LHE/AC/CF/DOJ
