Angola follows Antwerp, Dubai models for diamond exchange bourse

  • Luanda     Friday, 26 March De 2021    19h16  
Angiolan diamond
Angiolan diamond
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda - Angola has announced that it will create the Diamond Exchange, with experimental completion scheduled for 2022.

Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas (MIREMPT) hired a consultant, who visited Antwerp (Belgium) and Dubai (United Arab Emirates), to assist in the country in achieving this goal,.

Mining and Oil minister Diamantino Azevedo, the consultant he is a foreign “expert”, who was president of the Antwerp Diamond Bourse (Kingdom of Belgium) and who also helped create the Dubai Diamond Bourse.

Diamantino Azevedo, who was speaking to the press on the sidelines of the Forum on "Business opportunities in the Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources sectors", designed for diplomatic corps, guaranteed that the conditions continue to be created so that the Bourse is competitive.

"A working group has already been created and, for this purpose, we have hired a consultant with a lot of experience and who was already president of the Antwerp Diamond Exchange. He also helped the Government of Dubai to create its Diamond Exchange," he said.

Angola is the world's fourth largest diamond producer, with an average annual production of around nine million carats until 2019.

Angola foresees to produce  around 11 million in 2021 and  14 million for 2022, with the entry of new players in the market and the exploration of new fields.

For 2021, production of around 11 million is expected, with production of 14 million foreseen for 2022, with the entry of new players in the market and the exploration of new fields.
