Angola promotes new investment intentions at Mining Indaba

  • Luanda     Monday, 05 February De 2024    15h52  
Ministro dos Recursos Minerais, Petróleo e Gás, Diamantino de Azevedo
Ministro dos Recursos Minerais, Petróleo e Gás, Diamantino de Azevedo
Yambeno Daniel - ANGOP

Cape Town - Angola is going to present new investment intentions at the International Conference on Mining in Africa, Mining Indaba, which began today in Cape Town (South Africa), the Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino de Azevedo said.

The Minister, who is heading the Angolan delegation to the Mining Indaba, made up of 14 companies from the diamond and non-diamond subsectors, added that the initiative aims of continuing to develop the country's mining sector.

"We brought new investment intentions. We came to promote new areas that are available to attract funding to the country," Diamantino de Azevedo stressed.  

In order to promote Angola's mining and diamond potential, he said that Angola, through institutional companies such as the Geological Institute of Angola, would publicize the country's riches and new prospecting areas, while the National Mineral Resources Agency would clarify the process of licensing mining activity in Angola and ENDIAMA and SODIAM, which could promote their investment intentions.

Minister Azevedo, mentioned that the minerals to be promoted were part of the National Geology and Mining Plan (PLANAGEO), responsible for carrying out a geological survey of the country, a mechanism that provided in-depth knowledge of Angola's wealth.

"You have now seen a mining investment contract with one of the biggest companies in the world, which is investing in the province of Moxico, as well as another world-renowned company, which set up shop in Moxico, Cuando Cubango and Cunene a few years ago," he said, highlighting the importance of the Mining Indaba.

The government official's statements were made after visiting the two Angolan stands set up at the Cape Town Conference Centre, which have as their slogans: "The potential of the Angolan diamond" and "The potential of the Angolan miner".

Diamantino de Azevedo also took part in the opening ceremony of the event, which was chaired by the President of South Africa, Ciryl Ramaphosa, but also included speeches by the presidents of Zambia and Zimbabwe and representatives of other heads of state. YD/AC/DAN
