Angola joins Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative

  • Luanda     Friday, 25 March De 2022    17h56  
Diamond mining of Catoca located in Lunda Norte province
Diamond mining of Catoca located in Lunda Norte province

Luanda - Angola may, as of next June, be part of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI), the chairman of the National Coordination Committee (CNC), Diamantino Pedro Azevedo said Friday in Luanda.

Diamantino Azevedo made this statement while speaking at a press conference to present the path of the accession process and the date for Angola to submit its application to EITI.

The minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas also said that, at the end of this month, the CNC will submit its application to the EITI and it will be up to the International Secretariat to assess whether it meets the main requirements demanded for entry into the organisation.

For the president, there is hope of membership, which will be known at the next meeting of the initiative, to be held in June of this year, where the members of the initiative will be able to validate or not Angola's petition, and, if it does not comply, some recommendations will be made to improve the application.

For him, the initiative's objectives are of interest to the country as it proposes to improve transparency in the extractive industry, provide better information about revenues and their use, among other aspects related to ethics, with the ultimate aim of the wellbeing of citizens.
